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Mindset Training


The reason I wanted to create this program is to help athletes and individuals who need a step in the right direction to help them go right instead of left. Assisting individuals by creating a structure that allows them to take small steps towards being a better version of themselves. Helping them live with the highest standards, values, finding their meaning and purpose, developing mental toughness through grit, perseverance, resiliency and psychological skills. While having an unbreakable mindset that allows us to take on any challenge or task in front of us. Values that every one of us lives by on a daily basis. Always encouraging athletes and individuals to give high effort in all phases of life. It allows us to create habits that we’ll live by on a daily basis. Having a growth mindset always looking for ways to improve and be creative. Focusing on the process and never the outcome by having self-belief. Having a high level of energy in each moment to inspire athletes and individuals to have fun with what they're doing. Lastly helping their well-being to become a better person, which at the end of the day is the most important. Being able to take what you have learned and being able to apply it to every journey you take. People won’t remember you by what you did, but by how you treated them and made an impact on their life. Let’s get to work now and go places we couldn’t imagine! Who’s ready to take the first step?!

Athlete Mindset Vision


Our one on one sessions focus on the athlete through positive psychology, sports psychology and mental toughness. We will work with your child to help them be a better version of themselves in and away from sports. Specific positive and sports psychology and mental toughness concepts that get briefly touched over in our team program will be broken down to help your child.

Team Mindset Vision


Our team program focuses on using positive psychology, sports psychology and mental toughness. Topics include- Standards of Excellence, Mental Toughness, Grit, Resilience, Psychological Skills, and Well-Being. Your athletes will have a daily journal they will write in, weekly exercises to complete and videos to watch and reflect on. Our goal for everyone one of our students to take what they’ve learned and applied to their everyday life to be a better version of themselves.


Areas of focus

  • Positive psychology is focusing on one’s strengths, virtues, character, well-being, meaning and purpose. Helping individuals be a better version of themselves. Sports psychology is training and developing mental skills, growth in performance, daily self-improvement and having the right mindset that will allow you to be ready when you step up to the plate. Mental toughness is trained over time through multiple attributes that can be developed through our coaching. It is not something you have or don’t. It’s through developing characteristics and attributes of grit, perseverance, resilience and psychological skills in the environment you are in.​​


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